Friday, November 2, 2018

A Contemporary Approach To Understanding Islam Beliefs And Practices

More than a thousand years ago, Ali (AS) - the Master of the Faithful, the Prince of all Believers, the First Successor after the last Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (S) - discussed the following observances and only today are such facts being established by science. In one of his invocations, which appears in Sahifatul- Alawiyyah, Ali (AS) glorifies Allah in the following manner:
Glory to Allah! You are One and You have no partners.
Glory to Allah! The One to Whom the mountains glorify with their voices, and (these mountains) say, Glory to my God, the Great, and all praise due to Him.
Glory to Allah! The One to Whom the trees glorify with their voices, and (these trees) say, Glory to Allah, the Master, the Truth, the Separator of truth from evil.
Glory to Allah! The One to Whom the seven skies and earth glorify, and what is in them. They all glorify Him by saying, Glory to my God, the Great, and the Patient One, the Merciful. All praise due to Him.
• Albert Einstein showed with his well-known equation that the material world is nothing but energy and that everything in existence is part of this universal field of energy, vibrating at different frequencies and intensities.
• If this universal energy field is the sum total of existence then it can only be organized and acted upon by itself, and so must be conscious.
• This energy also stores memories, learns and evolves.
• All forms of energy are simply different manifestations of this one consciousness, and this means that things we previously may have thought were non-living or inanimate are very much alive and connected to us.

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