Friday, November 2, 2018

A Contemporary Approach To Understanding Islam Beliefs And Practices

More than a thousand years ago, Ali (AS) - the Master of the Faithful, the Prince of all Believers, the First Successor after the last Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (S) - discussed the following observances and only today are such facts being established by science. In one of his invocations, which appears in Sahifatul- Alawiyyah, Ali (AS) glorifies Allah in the following manner:
Glory to Allah! You are One and You have no partners.
Glory to Allah! The One to Whom the mountains glorify with their voices, and (these mountains) say, Glory to my God, the Great, and all praise due to Him.
Glory to Allah! The One to Whom the trees glorify with their voices, and (these trees) say, Glory to Allah, the Master, the Truth, the Separator of truth from evil.
Glory to Allah! The One to Whom the seven skies and earth glorify, and what is in them. They all glorify Him by saying, Glory to my God, the Great, and the Patient One, the Merciful. All praise due to Him.
• Albert Einstein showed with his well-known equation that the material world is nothing but energy and that everything in existence is part of this universal field of energy, vibrating at different frequencies and intensities.
• If this universal energy field is the sum total of existence then it can only be organized and acted upon by itself, and so must be conscious.
• This energy also stores memories, learns and evolves.
• All forms of energy are simply different manifestations of this one consciousness, and this means that things we previously may have thought were non-living or inanimate are very much alive and connected to us.

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Supplication In The Eyes Of The Ahl Al Bayt (As)

This book begins introducing the Definition of Prayer, and its importance. The author explains how prayers are accepted, and what acceptance of prayer can lead to in a believer's life. Beyond the literal recitation of the prayer, in this text we can find the etiquettes of prayer, and other aspects we must take into consideration.

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Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Life Of Imam Mahdi (Atfs)

And certainly We wrote in the Book after the reminder that as for the land, My righteous servants

shall inherit it. (21/105) Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good that He will

most certainly make them rulers in the earth as He made rulers those before them, and that He will

most certainly establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them, and that He will most

certainly, after their fear, give them security in exchange; they shall serve Me, not associating aught
with Me; and whoever is ungrateful after this, these it is who are the transgressors. 
We Shias are caught in the clutches of the hopes of humanity and we are being grinded between the oppressors. Therefore our sights are fully trained on the advent of a great savior so that he comes to establish the divine rule, as no one is needless of it and there is no injustice in it.

We are convinced of the age of justice in which injustice, oppression and slavery would be eradicated and he would spread love, lofty morals, equality and sacrifice among the people, and in the shade of such a government those powers would be destroyed and suppressed who play with human life or those who spread destruction on the earth.

We are present in the age of that divine just one and the Awaited one, who is the Haibatullah (awe of Allah), a gift and a great bounty of Allah for the humanity. That awaited leader, who is the hope for the deprived ones and the helpless and who would bestow them mercy and distribute goodness and divine bounties among them.

We live during the age of the twelfth Imam from the Imams of Ahle Bayt who is also known as the Qaim-e-Aale Muhammad, whom the Almighty Allah has prepared for the reformation of the world and changing of the system of the corrupted rulers of the world who have pushed the people into the worst circumstances.

The Almighty Allah has created the holy personality of Imam Mahdi (a.s) for the loftiest aims and the greatest reformation of human society. Thus it is him who would fill the earth with justice and equity after it would have been filled with injustice and oppression.

The Kind Lord has selected him from among the saints for such a lofty purpose, because the heart and the original essence (teenat) of the His Eminence is purer and cleaner than all the people and from the aspect of insight and intelligence is the most dominant one because he is from a family, which the Almighty Allah has honored and kept away from all sorts of uncleanness and bestowed it with purity and chastity.

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Imam Ali (As) Sunshine Of Civilized Islam

So long as three great problems of the world; the degrada-tion of man through indigence and pauperism, the corruption of women through hunger, the ignorance and poverty existing on earth, are unsolved; so long as spuriously creating hells amid the civilization on earth and social suffocation is possible in any part of the world, the personality of Imam Ali (s) and his speeches and maxims collected in Nahj al-Bal¡ghah can not fail to be of use.

Nowadays many people of the world are in easy circum-stances because of the advancement of learning and technique, but regretfully the morals and ideality are, at the same time, disappearing among them and it seems that the world is badly in need of morals and spirituality.

It is clear that the modern science is the result of a series of quarrels occurred between church and the scientists during the Dark Ages.

The people expected that church would teach them the prin-ciples of religion and would direct the society to welfare and peacefulness, but it was contrary to their expectation that the church persisted in its opinion to protect its prestige and im-position of its pretended ideas as the divine religion. It sur-prised every scientific movement and consequently scientists became involved in many difficulties. When they cleared the immoral acts of church, they were put to torture and finally they were badly killed.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

What You Should Do Just before Death

Death is a reality in which all human beings believe. However, it is also a reality which most of us like to keep out of our minds.

In Islam, death is not an end to our existence; it is a passage, which takes us from this world to the hereafter – the actual purpose for our creation and the result of our work in this life. Whether we fear death or not depends on how much we have prepared for the reckoning of the Day Judgement.
Preparing for death is a lifetime’s job. It begins on the day you reach the age of bulugh and are held accountable for your deeds in the eyes of Almighty Allah. Imam ‘Ali bin Abu Talib (a.s.) has beautifully described the preparation for death as follows: “Fulfilling the obligations, refraining from forbidden [things, and acquiring noble character.”

In this article, I have attempted to present some of the things which all believers are either required or strongly urged to do just before death by the Shari’ah.

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Theology And Metaphysics In Nahjal Balaghah

One of the fundamental issues dealt with in the Nahj al-balaghah relates to theological and metaphysical problems. In all, there are about forty places in the sermons, letters, and aphorisms where these matters are discussed. Some of these pertain to the aphorisms, but more often the discussion is longer, covering sometimes several pages.

The passages on tawhid (Divine Unity) in the Nahj al-balaghah can per-haps be considered to be the most wonderful discussions of the book. Without any exaggeration, when we take into account the conditions in which they were delivered, they can almost be said to be miraculous.

The discussions on this theme in the Nahj al-balaghah are of a varied nature. Some of them constitute studies of the scheme of creation bearing witness to Divine creativity and wisdom. Here, 'Ali speaks about the whole system of the heaven and the earth, or occasionally discusses the wonderful features of some specific creature like the bat, the peacock or the ant, and the role of Divine design and purpose in their creation. To give an example of this kind of discussion, we may quote a passage re-garding the ant:

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Seal Of The Prophets And His Message

In the world where our existence unfolds, we have never heard of or seen an organization or administration that is left to its own devices without a supervisor being responsible for it. Human reason and intelli-gence cannot accept that social institutions be without a leader or ruler, and no thinker will approve of an organizational formula that lacks a re-sponsible leader.

Given that reason and logic emphasize the necessity of a responsible leader for even the smallest social unit, how can humanity as a whole at-tain the basic goals to which it aspires or acquire the lofty values of which it is worthy, without a leader and chief?

Now the Creator, within the system of creation, has not withheld any-thing that may be needed for any being to advance and attain a fitting degree of perfection; He has placed the necessary means and tools at the disposal of all things, and given to each part of every animate being and plant exactly what it needs. How then can it be believed that in the sys-tem of legislating for the human being He should overlook the sending of Prophets who play such a sensitive and multifaceted role in the evolu-tion of the human being, or that He should remain indifferent to this fun-damental pillar?

Furthermore, can any intelligent person accept that the vast scheme of being, with all the wonder-inducing manifestations of life, should be based on aimlessness and purposelessness? Is it possible to attribute such an irrational act to the sublime Creator? The question of reward and punishment, in a precise and calculated form, is involved here.
It is an indubitable scientific principle that purposiveness is the concom-itant of all life, thought and will. It is not possible that a wise being should consciously undertake an action in which no goal or purpose resides.
Apart from the fact that the human being instinctively regards an aim-less act as incompatible with wisdom and intelligence, he can clearly per-ceive that all the atoms in the world of being are ruled by order and cal-culation. So just as the orderliness of life springs from the knowledge and wisdom of the Creator, the same may be said of the purposiveness of the whole scheme of being, including the existence of the human be-ing.
Is God indifferent to the fate of humans? Has He abandoned them to their own devices, so they may shed each other's blood, commit any crime they like, and transform the world into a fiery hell?

A God Who holds back nothing in order for every creature to attain its perfection cannot possibly be indifferent to the human being's attaining the degree of perfection suitable to him. On the contrary, just as He guides the human being to material perfection by means of his instincts, He guides him to his true perfection both by means of the innate guid-ance of his nature and by means of legislative guidance, for innate guid-ance needs help when confronting the instincts.

The Quran says: "We will give help to both groups, those who worship the world and those who seek the hereafter, so that none should remain deprived of the favor and generosity of their Lord."(17:18)

If the human being were left alone in the world with his own hopes, everyone would judge on the basis of his own temperament and taste. He would do whatever he found pleasing and conformable to his inclin-ations. Every individual would follow his own path in order to secure his interests, and the result would be a clash of desires and interests, leading to the severance of individual and social relations and unending corruption and anarchy.

The French scholar, Emile Dermenghem, writes in his book The Life of Muhammad: The Prophets are just as necessary for the world as the be-neficial and wondrous forces of nature, such as the sun, rainfall, winter
storms, which shake and cleave open dry and infertile land, covering them with freshness and verdure.

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Ali The Miracle Of Mohammad

Ali (A.S.)’s genealogy reads thus: Ali son of Abu Talib (A.S.), son of Abdul Mutallib, son of Hashim, sonof Abde Munaf, son of Kasa, son of Kalab, son of Murrah, son of Kaab, son of Lavy, son of Galib, son ofFehr, son of Malik, son of Mazr, son of Maad, son of Adnan who was the descendant of Ismail son of Ibrahim the builder of Kaaba. Ismail’s mother was Hajira daughter of Raqueen the king of Egypt. All these souls were re-formers, trustees of Kaaba (the house of God) and the rulers and administrators ofMecca. They commanded great respect from their people and were honoured with great titles by their people. Their lives were of sufferings, sacrifices and struggle. It was they who changed the face of mankind. And Ali (A.S.) as their descendent, like Mohammad (S.A.W) (the Prophet) inher-ited all these qualities and responsibilities from them both. Both Mohammad (S.A.W) and Ali (A.S.) had learned the history of their ancestors from Abu Talib (A.S.), father of Ali (A.S.) and uncle and the only guardian ofthe Prophet (S.A.W) for about fifty years. They learned from Abu Talib (A.S.) how Kasa had collected all the descendants of Ibrahim and Ismail and made them unite to take the possession of Kaaba and administration of Mecca from Banu Khaza and Banu Bakr who had captured these places by force. Abu Talib (A.S.) must have also told them how the descends of Ibrahim and Ismail stood under one flag andone leader ‘Kasa’ and vowed to take back the house of God which belonged to them and that they werethe only people in the whole of Arabia who were known as Ahlebait (members of the household)because they were considered the only guard-ians of Kaaba. The title Ahlebait was very famous inArabia. It was used only for those people who managed the affairs of 
Kaaba and looked after thewelfare of the pilgrims.

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The World Finally Speaks At Karbala Tribunals

In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah (SWT) 1 whom none is praised but Him, and no one asks reward on a calamity except from Him. May Allah (SWT) reward us for our calamity regarding the grandson of the Holy Prophet, Al-Husayn bin ‘Ali! May peace and blessings be upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) 2 and on his purified progeny and those who take him as guardian!

I have been thinking for a long time about the idea of establishing an international tribunal to try the killers of Imam Husayn (as) 3 and the perpetrators of the massacre of Karbala.

The idea is to place them under trial with the charge of committing war crimes, mass murder, and crimes against humanity, based on the modern-day laws and understanding, and away from any religious accusation or anything related to religion.

A real and practical trial which the whole world participates in… one that is represented by a group of chosen judges who come from all parts of the world, and a jury who represents all the different nationalities and religions of the globe.

A trial that gives the defendants the right to defend themselves through lawyers and a defense team; it would have a prosecution team as well. The defendants would be called by their names only (since they died long time ago) to face the world and all of humanity. They will be tried for their crimes and massacres which they have committed in Karbala. The witnesses will be called from the historical texts, and the well-known Islamic books written by famous Muslim historians.

Let this be a just and fair trial by international modern standards under the supervision of the international community. Let the court trial take its time and follow all the legal procedures which are typically followed in most of the democratic countries that respect human rights.

Thereafter, a fair verdict will be issued regarding the criminals and let all of humanity make its judgment against them and then sentence them! Let the horrendousness and insanity that happened in Karbala be exposed to the whole world as it does not only belong to the supporters of Al-Husayn (as) alone, but to ALL of humanity! What happened in Karbala greatly exceeds crimes committed against humanity and the war crimes. It will shock the whole world and I am very confident of that!
Accomplishing this is not impossible and praise is to God, the supporters of Al-Husayn have sufficient monetary and social ability to sponsor such a trial, especially in the western countries. We could accomplish this mission with determination and this will surely be a great achievement in front of the whole world. Let the truth be revealed and let all of humanity sympathize with the tragedy of Imam Al-Husayn (as)!

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Monday, October 22, 2018

Sahifa Al Mahdi (Atfs)

Ziarat e Aal e Yaseen (as)

Ziarat Aal-e-Yaseen is another important Ziarat of Imam-eZa-man (a.s.). It is actually a Hadith Qudsi (direct saying of Allah (swt)) as reported in Mafatih-al-Jinnan. According to the traditions, "Aal-e-Yaseen" is equivalent to "Aal-eMuhammad (pbuh&hf)" and is the correct pronunciation (Qira'at) of verse 37:130 of the Holy Quran. Beside its superb beauty, one of the interesting points about this Duaa is that, in it, we confess all the central beliefs one by one.

In the Name of the Most beneficent & the Most Merciful Peace be upon the progeny of Yaseen. Peace be upon you,

O the caller of Allah and place of manifestation of His signs. Peace be upon you, O the door of Allah and the devout one of His religion. Peace be upon you, O the vicegerent of Al-lah and the helper of His truth. Peace be upon you, O the proof of Allah and the Guide of His intention. Peace be upon you, O the reciter of Allah's book and its interpreter. Peace be upon you in your night and in your day. Peace be upon you, O the remnant of Allah on His earth. Peace be upon you, O the covenant of Allah, which He took it and He fastened it. Peace be upon you, O the promise of Allah which He guaran-teed it. Peace by upon you, O the manifested flag and the one who is filled with knowledge and the help and the far-reaching mercy a promise which is not a lie. Peace be upon you while you are standing.

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Creed Of The Shia - Explained

This is Answering-Ansar's rebuttal of this article where 'proofs' that the Shi'a are kaffir were based on what can be identified in their books.It was put together by the Deobandi group Maktabat Minhaaj Al-Sunnah, and found on many anti Shi'a sites such as:

These adherents of Mu'awiya declare right at the beginning:

This group has clearly learnta great dealfrom anti Muslim sites and adopted a methodology of adopting 'parts' of tradi-tions out of context, in the same way that answering-Islam evangelists such as Gilchrist quote hadith and Qur'anic verses out of context so as to convincetheir faithful that Islam is a false religion. We shall Inshallah go through the points cited and show how pathetic the Minhajal al Nasibi have been.

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Virtue Prevails

I am not a professional storywriter. What I present herein are but a few of the many portraits of life in which Good confronts Evil and spiritual faith and belief confront an imperialist, dominating culture.

The apex of my hope is to produce a faithful image of the ideological call for virtue to prevail over vice.

Muslim men and women live contradictory existences of contempor-ary life as presented in the following fiction. I have tried to pave the way for the revival of one of the propagative apparatus, the story, which in-fluences our lives at this juncture in Islamic history.
The ideological conflicts caused by the world's dominating cultures have produced negative effects on the Muslim community. The alien Western ideals flooding the Islamic world have tried to uproot Islamic concepts and beliefs.

This methodical foreign invasion has greatly damaged the successive Muslim generations. The slogans of freedom, equality and justice have swept the Islamic world and distorted the Islamic culture. As a result, the Muslim Ummah is suffering today from cultural chaos and devi-ation, which is damaging the core of the community.

Deliberate falsehoods have been perpetrated by the enemies of Islam to degrade the sublime religion of Islam. Due to such conspiracies, Muslim women and men have forgotten their religious beliefs, duty and commitments. Hence it is necessary to take serious steps to save the soci-ety from falling into the abyss of disbelief, which could not only crush the whole community but could also destroy the religious belief still surviving.

Such a situation has compelled the Muslim intellectuals to know their duty in saving the society. It is a very difficult task to bring the deviated generation to the right path of Allah's religion.

Hence our aim is to assist such achievements and to help Islamic con-cepts and values to spread throughout the world, guiding the youth to the right direction. Such a motive is behind translation and publication of Bint ul-Huda's books. The famous Iraqi woman writer presents Islam-ic ideals in her stories within a framework of interesting and modern cir-cumstances. Through her characters she exposes the contradictory beha-vior of some Muslims.
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Barzakh (Purgatory)

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

It is mentioned in the book of Misbahul Harmain that in the last days of his life, a respected personality named Shaykh Abdul Tahir Khorasani travelled to Mecca and made a vow that as long as he was alive he would remain there only and serve the holy house. During those days a person had a bag full of gems, jewels and money and he was looking for a reliable person who may hold it as a trust. People suggested the name of Shaykh Abdul Tahir Khorasani and said that he was one of the most reliable and honest personality in Mecca. Thus he placed his trust with the Shaykh. After a period of time the Shaykh passed away. When the person who had kept his bag as trust returned, he was informed that the Shaykh was dead. When he approached the successors of the Shaykh, they expressed ignorance about the matter. That man was devastated and he was reduced to penury due to this. However he was aware of the fact that the souls of believers arrive in Wadius Salaam and that they are free and communicate with each other. So he prayed to the Almighty Al-lah to enable him to see the deceased so that he can ask him about his money. After a long time, when he did not get any reply from the valley he inquired from some scholar why it was so; that he was supplicating so much but not getting any reply from the Shaykh. They told him that it was possible that he might be in the place fixed for wrong doers. That is he might be Wadi Barhut, which is in Yemen. Wadi Barhut is a danger-ous valley having horrible wells and pits etc. It is often mentioned that extremely terrifying voices are heard in that place, in other words just as Wadius Salaam in the neighborhood of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) was a place of peace and safety for noble souls, in the same way, Wadi Barhut was a place of stay for wicked souls.

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Imam Sadiq (pbuh) is a great academic personality which the human history has come to know. He has advanced this great colossal (amount) of constructive and effectual contributions, in the interest of service to humanity and the building of civilization. Such as, and indeed he has [contributed to], bettering off the Islamic intellect by means of what he propogated of the kinds of sciences full of fundamentals of life. And in addition to that, the brilliant intellectual treasures, and that which is considered to be the pillar of the academic revival to his era. So the Imam (pbuh) has left for us a collection of the visions transmitted from him regarding his interpretations of dreams. So that there is [a book] by Imam Sadiq (pbuh) of Dream Interpretations specifically by him, that is circulating among the people and to a nearby age.

And the reality is that a book specific for this subject was not provided by the Imam (pbuh). Rather it was upon our gathering of visions ascribed to the Imam, we discovered a large collection from these visions in the book (Ta’ateer AlAnam) by Nablusi, and of which the author backing [the chain of narrations] is Imam Ja’afer AlSadiq is from a book ascribed to him called (Biltaqseem(By Distribution)). And the author cites in his book: (And I have accredited) concerning that upon the foremost books and the respected Sheikhs’ views such as: Essentials by Daniel AlHakeem, and the book the Distribution by Ja’afer AlSadiq, and the book the Compilers by Muhammed bin Seereen.

And we cherish the reader when we place before you this book that we ask our Master, Praise and Glory to Him, to grant the good of His acceptance. And lastly our supplication is that all praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

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Sunday, October 21, 2018

Duties Of People Towards The Imam

This is obligatory according to texts (Quran and Hadith), and reason.

Rational Proof: The Imam of the Time (aj) is a guide and a leader whose obedience is compulsory and it is necessary to re-cognize correctly one whose obedience is compulsory. So that if someone lays a false claim to be that leader, he can be ex-posed at once and we shall not be misguided by his false pro-paganda. Thus the recognition (Marefat) of the Imam of the Time (aj) is obligatory and it is also obligatory to learn about his special characteristics so that if a false claimant of Mah-daviyat appears we can, at once, realize his falsehood. Further details will come in the coming pages, Insha Allah.

Textual Proof: Shaykh Sadooq (r.a.) has recorded a tradi-tion of Imam Musa Kazim (a) that he said, “One who doubts about four things has denied everything revealed by Allah. One of these being the Marefat of the Imam of age.”

Also that which supports the above point is that which is mentioned in Kamaluddin, quoting from Imam Sadiq (a), who has narrated from his forefathers that Amirul Momineen Ali (a) said from the pulpit of Kufa Masjid: “O Allah, it is necessary that Your earth does not remain devoid of Your Proof on Your creatures, who may guide the people to Your religion and who teaches Your religion, so that Your argument is not rendered invalid and those who follow Your saints may not be misguided

after having received guidance, whether this Proof be seen and not be obeyed or be hidden and the enemies are lying in am-bush for him and himself he is hidden from the view of the people while his knowledge will not be hidden from the people and his laws are firm in the hearts of the believers and they act upon them.”1

I say: According the Arabic dictionary Qamoos, the Arabic word ‘aadaab’ for manners is the plural of ‘daab’ which means manner or characteristic etc. Here it implies the special char-acteristic of the Imam of the Time (aj) that make an impression on the hearts of the people, especially his followers. It is nar-rated in traditions that during the time of the advent of the Imam of the Time (aj) people will adopt virtuous qualities in or-der to emulate the Holy Imam (a). Another point derived from this is that the effectiveness of the Imam’s morals and manners on the hearts of the believers is a sign of faith. Another thing that proves the importance of this is the emphasis with which the Holy Prophet (s) has all times shown in informing the people about the special qualities of His Eminence.

So much so that he is even having precedence over the other Imams (a) in this regard. However this is only for the fact that it is necessary for all the people to have cognition of the spe-cial characteristics of Imam Mahdi (a). On the basis of this it is obligatory on all believers to know the Imam of the Time (aj) with his distinguishing features so that they may not be de-ceived by the false claimants of this holy office.

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Death A Beautiful Gift For A Believer

To Allah (Almighty God) we belong, and to Him is our return.” (Qur’an 2:156)
Multitudes of men have walked on the surface of this Earth. They all belonged to different nations and cultures. A few of them made history for which they were remembered, where as others were never to be men-tioned again. Although each one was personally different from another - their habits, thinking and tastes differed - they all had two (2) things in common, first, they were all delivered from their mothers womb (birth) and second, they all tasted death. Who claims he has lived a thousand years?

“The Sun travels to an appointed place. This is the decree of the Mighty, the All Knowing.” (Qur’an 36:38)

Almighty God blesses us with all His gifts. The Sun gives us light dur-ing the day to help us see and it helps our crops grow so that we can eat. But the Sun also teaches us other things. The Almighty God causes the day to die with its setting and allows the night to take over, which is a time for rest. In this way, He may be showing us that all of us will even-tually have to die just like the day. And when the Sun rises in the morn-ing again after our period of rest, it is as if Almighty God is telling us that we too will be raised to life after we have died. These are all signs of Almighty God to teach us to take care of our life.

One thing that we must remember is that death is inevitable, and everything except the Almighty God of course, will perish. Signs of death can be seen all around us. At funerals we see people who were once walking among us being buried in their graves. In the fall we see the leaves turn from green to yellow and fall one at a time, and in the winter we see trees, lifeless. In this way, all things in this world will wither away and die.

According to an old fable, a man made an unusual agreement with Hazrat Izraeel (pbuh) - the angel of death. He told Izraeel (pbuh) that he

would be willing to accompany him (as though he had a choice)only if Izraeel (pbuh) would send him a notice well in advance. The agreement was made. Weeks became months and the months into years. One bit-terly cold night, as the man sat alone thinking of his success in life, Izraeel (pbuh) tapped on his shoulder. “You are here too soon” the man cried out.“You sent no messenger. I thought we had an agreement!” Izraeel (pbuh) whispered “Notice your hair,once it was full and black, now it has streaks of silver in it! Observe your face in the mirror and see the wrinkles. Yes! I have sent many messages through the years! I have kept my part. I am sorry that you are not ready for me but the order of Almighty God cannot be averted!”

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The Suffering Of The Ahlul Bayt And Their Followers (Shia) Throughout History

Joshua Charbonneau is an American Muslim. He was born in 1982 in Sumter, South Carolina. He is of French Canadian and American descent. He was born into a Christian family, and later chose to revert to Shi’a Islam at the age of 17, having studied both faiths. After reverting to Islam he chose the name Mateen which in Arabic means strong, firm and unshakable. His first language is English and he also learned Quranic Arabic. At age 26 he moved to Washington, DC and has been an active part of the Muslim community. He took part in a documentary by AlAnwar Hussain TV entitled Journey of the Spirit where he narrated his incredible story on how he became a Shia Muslim.1 In 2012 he had the opportunity to travel with the members of AlAnwar Hussain TV to visit the Holy shrines of Imam Ali (as) and Imam Hussain (as) in Iraq for Ziyarat Arbaeen. Since March of 2013 he has been studying Howza (Islamic Seminary) classes under the guidance of Sheikh Mustafa Akhound at the Imam Ali Center of Springfield, VA. Mateen has also compiled and published some very in-depth books entitled The Suffering of the Ahl ul Bayt and their Followers (Shia) throughout History, Christians who defended and died for Prophet Muhammad and his Family and Mystery of the Shia. These titles are available at Amazon. In 2014 he co-founded a publication company entitled Yasin Publications and also a program to send free books to prisoners entitled 2nd Chance Books

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Concentration In Prayer 25 Strategies And 30 Day Workbook

CONCENTRATION IN PRAYER was written over a few years and signifi cant research went into completing this project. The main goal of this book is to educate The Muslims of the importance of The Five Daily Prayer and to explain HOW to create, develop and maintain HOW to create, develop and maintain HOW concentration in Prayer. This is an important aspect of Prayer since Allah (SWT) only requires our undimin-
ished attention during Prayer.
This book on Prayer requires active reading and active participation. Interested readers will fi nd wealth of informa- tion, research and exercises one can effectively employ to reap the fruits of the Prayer. It is envisaged that the reader, in particular the youth and leaders of tomorrow, will look up to this book and apply its recommendations on a daily basis. It is defi nitely not a once-read book! Charts and diagrams have
been provided to aid the reader in understanding the nature of
this book.
Even though the book quotes many sources, it is some- times unable to provide specifi c citing and references be- cause the collection of the traditions in this book began a few years ago. Suffice it to say that the traditions quoted are authentic and form reliable sources. With the help and assist- ance of learned scholars, the like of my father – Yusuf

Kermalli, Ma’alim Muhsin Alidina, Ma’alim Mohamed Raza Dungersi, and a few close friends, this project was recently completed. Once again, I would also like to thank my parents who have provided their unlimited love and support in the pro- duction of this book. And finally, my wife and two lovely chil- dren that God has blessed me with, for their patience and confi dence throughout the write-up and production of this book.
The Chapter of al-Fatiha is requested for the benefi t of the soul of my mother and the souls of all believers who have already made their journey into the next world.

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I am thankful to Allah for giving me the opportunity to compile many of my favoriteMoral Stories, in the form of an electronic book, which I had collected from variousresources, since last few years. Even though many of these stories are fictional innature, but at the end they will give a great lesson to learn for a lifetime.

As the reader can himself see from these stories, the subject “Moral” is universal toevery human being. Hence these stories are not just for any particular sect or the followers of particular faith, it is for the entire hu-manity, irrespective of there belief,culture, race, color or age. So, let’s start with a Moral Story called as “A POND FULLOF MILK.

”Once there was a king who told some of his workers to dig a pond. Once the pond wasdug, the king made an announcement to his people saying that one person from eachhousehold has to bring a glass of milk during the night and pour it into the pond. So,the pond should be full of milk by the morning. After receiving the order, everyonewent home.

One man prepared to take the milk during the night. He thought that since everyonewill bring milk, he could just hide a glass of water and pour inside the pond. Because itwill be dark at night, no one will notice. So he quickly went and poured the water in thepond and came back. In the morning, the king came to visit the pond and to his surprise the pond was only filled with water! What has happened is that everyone wasthinking like the other man that “I don't have to put the milk, someone else will do it.

”Dear friends, when it comes to help the Religion of Allah, do not think that others willtake care of it. Rather, it starts from you, if you don’t do it, no one else will do it. So,change yourself to the way of Allah to serve Him and that will make the difference

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Saturday, October 20, 2018


Ali’s Bay’at with Abu Bakr is repeatedly mentioned in various styles and used in different ways to bring out Abu Bakr’s Ca-liphate from its characteristic feature of usurpation that sur-rounds it.

So they claim:

“It is said that Ali was tied by a rope round his neck and his house was destroyed. I do not know such an Ali. He was not a man of such an insult. He wisely paid allegiance and remained firm on it indicating his satisfaction.”![1]

“This proves that Ali did not view their Caliphate illegitim-ate.”[2]

“After he (Ali) gave Bay’at. He even mended and dressed the shortcomings in Caliphs’ proceedings. This confirms the legit-imacy of Caliphs.”[3]

“Ali has given Bay’at to both (Abu Bakr and Umar). Of course he has done this prudently.”[4]
“The behavior and conduct of Ali and his reverend sons to-wards Caliphs was such that it could be called an approval and pledge of allegiance.”[5]

Those who make the claims (that Ali gave allegiance to

Abu Bakr) have an aim:

A)Ali’s acknowledgment to Abu Bakr serves an umbrella to them, covering illegitimacy of Abu Bakr’s Caliphate. Besides it supports their persistence in their design to prove Ali’s consent and concurrence.
B)To benefit from Ali’s acknowledgment by removing from the public mind suspicion of illegitimacy of Abu Bakr’s Ca-liphate. Besides, to pose it as a Caliphate having God’s pleas-ure. In other words, to provide a sanctity under shade of Ali’s allegiance.

Therefore we must go through these allegations thoroughly: In the meantime we would like to scrutinize these two


1) Claims that Ali’s Bay’at tantamount to public popularity of Abu Bakr’s rule.

2) Claims that acceptance of Abu Bakr’s rule proves Ali’s al-legiance to Abu Bakr.

Therefore in this analysis we shall evaluate the sources claiming that Ali gave allegiance to Abu Bakr. They are as follows:

Source One: Divine legitimacy (Legitimacy granted by God)

Source Two: Public Popularity (Standard of public accord)

Source Three: Existence (A fact/occurrence)

We shall again thoroughly investigate historical documents related to these claims to find the extent of Ali’s approval to Abu Bakr’s rule.

Because the above subject has taken for granted that Ali in fact gave allegiance to Abu Bakr.

Accordingly we can evaluate Ali’s belief in legitimacy and popularity of Abu Bakr’s Caliphate and thereby gauge its au-thenticity in the light of History.

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Analysis of the method and type of His Eminence, Amirul Momineen Ali’s (a.s.) government was one of the subjects for a thorough research in recent years, that is two years (Solar) were named after Imam Ali (a.s.). This resulted in an abundant output in this field, either in books or in shape of articles writ-ten on this matter.

Our main aim of writing this is to gauge the originality of these endeavors by means of criticism and analysis into claims such as:

“His Eminence, Ali (a.s.) was not a governor or an adminis-trator in an ordinary sense. He was not a Caliph as those of Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties. But he was a Caliph at parity with Abu Bakr and Umar!

The pivot around which policies of our Lord and Master Ali rotated was the spirit that protected Caliphate of the prophets and the way of the Righteous Caliphs.”![1]

“And this statement is not correct that Caliphate of the pre-ceding Caliphs and the four members, altogether, differed from one another in thought, policy and aims. Each of these four Ca-liphs was a mirror reflecting one image. They together reflec-ted and represented Caliphate of the Prophet. One spirit ran between the four. These four collectively completed one image, one system and one aim.”![2]

“Salient here is conduct and true faith of Caliphs in Islam and divine teachings. Humility of Caliphs, their unanimity in word and deed, their moderation and honesty is worth appreci-ating. Scrutiny into their life shows that they collectively had one and same moral and manner.”![3]

“When Islam was subject of conversation and Islamic teach-ings and law, Ali did not discriminate between the learned and ignorant. In the same way was Umar
Ali was like Umar in piety of a poor life.”![1]

“Ali was strict and hard like Umar. He acted as per laws of religion.”[2]

In order to answer these claims and conjectures we have tried to scrutinize the praises rendered to Caliphs and their rule. We have tried to display contrasts and contradictions in narrations based on documents of Sunni sources. This will as-sist the reader to conclude for himself in the light of proofs and reach a judgment about the claims made in this regard.

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