Sunday, October 21, 2018

Concentration In Prayer 25 Strategies And 30 Day Workbook

CONCENTRATION IN PRAYER was written over a few years and signifi cant research went into completing this project. The main goal of this book is to educate The Muslims of the importance of The Five Daily Prayer and to explain HOW to create, develop and maintain HOW to create, develop and maintain HOW concentration in Prayer. This is an important aspect of Prayer since Allah (SWT) only requires our undimin-
ished attention during Prayer.
This book on Prayer requires active reading and active participation. Interested readers will fi nd wealth of informa- tion, research and exercises one can effectively employ to reap the fruits of the Prayer. It is envisaged that the reader, in particular the youth and leaders of tomorrow, will look up to this book and apply its recommendations on a daily basis. It is defi nitely not a once-read book! Charts and diagrams have
been provided to aid the reader in understanding the nature of
this book.
Even though the book quotes many sources, it is some- times unable to provide specifi c citing and references be- cause the collection of the traditions in this book began a few years ago. Suffice it to say that the traditions quoted are authentic and form reliable sources. With the help and assist- ance of learned scholars, the like of my father – Yusuf

Kermalli, Ma’alim Muhsin Alidina, Ma’alim Mohamed Raza Dungersi, and a few close friends, this project was recently completed. Once again, I would also like to thank my parents who have provided their unlimited love and support in the pro- duction of this book. And finally, my wife and two lovely chil- dren that God has blessed me with, for their patience and confi dence throughout the write-up and production of this book.
The Chapter of al-Fatiha is requested for the benefi t of the soul of my mother and the souls of all believers who have already made their journey into the next world.

click here to download

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