Saturday, October 20, 2018


Ali’s Bay’at with Abu Bakr is repeatedly mentioned in various styles and used in different ways to bring out Abu Bakr’s Ca-liphate from its characteristic feature of usurpation that sur-rounds it.

So they claim:

“It is said that Ali was tied by a rope round his neck and his house was destroyed. I do not know such an Ali. He was not a man of such an insult. He wisely paid allegiance and remained firm on it indicating his satisfaction.”![1]

“This proves that Ali did not view their Caliphate illegitim-ate.”[2]

“After he (Ali) gave Bay’at. He even mended and dressed the shortcomings in Caliphs’ proceedings. This confirms the legit-imacy of Caliphs.”[3]

“Ali has given Bay’at to both (Abu Bakr and Umar). Of course he has done this prudently.”[4]
“The behavior and conduct of Ali and his reverend sons to-wards Caliphs was such that it could be called an approval and pledge of allegiance.”[5]

Those who make the claims (that Ali gave allegiance to

Abu Bakr) have an aim:

A)Ali’s acknowledgment to Abu Bakr serves an umbrella to them, covering illegitimacy of Abu Bakr’s Caliphate. Besides it supports their persistence in their design to prove Ali’s consent and concurrence.
B)To benefit from Ali’s acknowledgment by removing from the public mind suspicion of illegitimacy of Abu Bakr’s Ca-liphate. Besides, to pose it as a Caliphate having God’s pleas-ure. In other words, to provide a sanctity under shade of Ali’s allegiance.

Therefore we must go through these allegations thoroughly: In the meantime we would like to scrutinize these two


1) Claims that Ali’s Bay’at tantamount to public popularity of Abu Bakr’s rule.

2) Claims that acceptance of Abu Bakr’s rule proves Ali’s al-legiance to Abu Bakr.

Therefore in this analysis we shall evaluate the sources claiming that Ali gave allegiance to Abu Bakr. They are as follows:

Source One: Divine legitimacy (Legitimacy granted by God)

Source Two: Public Popularity (Standard of public accord)

Source Three: Existence (A fact/occurrence)

We shall again thoroughly investigate historical documents related to these claims to find the extent of Ali’s approval to Abu Bakr’s rule.

Because the above subject has taken for granted that Ali in fact gave allegiance to Abu Bakr.

Accordingly we can evaluate Ali’s belief in legitimacy and popularity of Abu Bakr’s Caliphate and thereby gauge its au-thenticity in the light of History.

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