Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Life Of Imam Husain (As)

Imam Husain (‘a) is the greatest personality who has made all historical events of humanity everlasting. He is among those great personages who gave shape to social civilization and principles that form the basis of a life of culture.
The Imam and the leader of nobles, he is the most prominent
individual to have shown miracles in the field of life and led the caravan of humanity to destination and gave movement to their aspirations. He guided them towards a moderate society. A so- ciety where equality is given an important position so that all the people, low and high, may benefit from it.
The Imam struggled more than any other reformer. He be-
stowed and offered sacrifice because he took along with him- self the people of his family and his companions so that he may sacrifice himself and them also so that in every place in the east, the command of Quran and heavenly justice is estab- lished. Because he had no other aim except the removal of op-
pression, destruction of injustice and establishment of a just
government. A government in which man could bring out peace, greatness and prosperity according to the justice that the Almighty Allah wants in the earth…and after that the life of the Holy Imam became an ideal exemplar for all ages and all generations and an example of human Values.
The life history of most of the reformers, who laid down their
lives for communities and in generations, remained illuminated and their fruits and results served as signs for the people. But it was only for a particular period and limited duration. Then not after a long time its effect wears off just as light disperses in the atmosphere.
However the life of Imam Husain (‘a) has split the horizon of
history in such a way that he had light of guidance for all the people just as the signs of death and destruction for the des- troyers and oppressors given as a souvenir to all generations.
The life of Imam Husain (‘a) merged with the souls of the
people and became united with their feelings and emotions, be- cause he was such a fresh one that fragrance of honor and greatness issued from him. He was the one to take the society to the field of contest so that their aims may be realized and that their fate may be appointed.

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