Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Verse Of Purification In The Light Of Quran And Hadith

Praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds. Benedictions be upon Muhammad (S) and his Purified Progeny (a.s). Peace be upon the righteous companions.
Some of the controversial issues have divided the Muslims. These issues have been misused by the enemies of Islam to divide the Muslims and to weaken them. Therefore in order to unite the Muslims and to defend the boundaries of Islam it is necessary to clear the misunderstandings regarding these differences. In sorting out these issues we have been ordered to confine ourselves within some limits. 

In his book entitled ‘Mustadrak Sahihayn’ Hakim quotes from son of Ja’far son of Abu Talib1 as saying:
‘When the Holy Prophet (S) observed that the Divine blessing was forthcoming he said, ‘Call for me! Call for me!’ Safia asked ‘O Prophet of Allah! Whom should I call for you?’ He said, ‘Call for me the members of my family, namely, Ali, Fatima, Hasan, and Husain’ (May peace and benediction be upon them). They were thus called to come close to the Holy Prophet (S) and when all of them were gathered, the Holy Prophet (S) placed his cloak on them and thereafter raised his hands in supplication and said, ‘O Allah! These are the members of my family. Send your kind blessings on me and my progeny’. In the meantime Almighty Allah revealed the verse:

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