Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Imamate And Infallibility Of Imams In The Quran

There are two main viewpoints concerning the issue of Imamate, The first is that of the Sunnis, who hold that the Prophet(saws), may God’s peace and blessing be on him and his descendants, did not introduce any successor and say that the community had to choose the Prophet’s successor and leader of the Muslims.

The second viewpoint is that of the Imamiyyah Shi’ites, who consider Imamate as a divinely ordained position and as a continuation of prophet hood and say that God designates an Imam just as He appoints a prophet.

The Imamiyyah Shi’ites possesses a large number of solid proofs confirmed by intellect, and evidence from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, included in theological, exegetic and hadith sources.

The present preface explicates the Shi’ites’ intellectual viewpoint on the aforementioned issue (of succession) explores the following points about man’s nature and inclinations.

1.We know that Islam is an everlasting religion sent for all people of all times.

2.The holy Prophet (saws) made every effort for the propagation and advancement of the divine religion of Islam, made use of every opportunity, worked hard and gladly throughout his life, made extraordinary sacrifices and was ready to die for strengthening people’s faith. This is confirmed by the following Qur’anic verses:

“Perhaps you will kill yourself with grief because they do not believe” (26:3)also,

“Then maybe you will kill yourself with grief, sorrowing after them, if they do not believe in this

announcement” (18:6)

3.A large number of his best and the worthiest men were martyred in the cause of Allah.

4.He made clear to people all that brought to them prosperity in various aspects. Secondary points of fiqh and traditions recorded in the sources of hadithand Islamic jurisprudence of both Shi’ite and Sunni schools testify to this statement.

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