Friday, March 30, 2018

For a Better Future

200 questions and answers regarding the concerns of the youth, marriage and children The book contains 200 questions and answers regarding the concerns of the youth, marriage and children.
I present this humble effort to my father and mother, who brought me up when I was little, gave me a good name, taught me writing and religious principles, and married me as soon as I became an adult. They have completed their duties towards me; in fact, they have done to me more than I deserved.
I pray to Allah the Almighty to make me successful in achieving my duties towards them as long as I live and to gather me with them in Paradise near Prophet Muhammad (S) and his pure progeny (a.s.).
I hope with this dedication to give a reward to the soul of my dear father and to be dutiful to my dear mother (May Allah keep her safe and sound).
O Allah, accept my effort and guide my children to do better than I have done!

Faith and Reason

Islam espouses an enlightened mind and hence, it has been termed as the path of knowledge. In the Qur`an the number of verses in which ‘ilm (knowledge) or its derivatives and associated words are used is 704. The aids of knowledge such as the book, pen, ink, etc. amount to almost the same number while other words associated with writing occur in 319 verses.1
By responding to the call of the Qur`an to ponder over creation in order to understand the greatness of Allah (awj) and reflecting this honored the pursuit of knowledge, considered a meritorious duty, Muslim scholars have amply demonstrated that knowledge elevates the sincere seeker.
In response to a person who posed him a difficult question, Imam ‘Ali b. Abi Talib ()ع said: “Ask in order to understand, and do not ask in order to find fault, for surely the ignorant man who wants to learn resembles a man of knowledge, and surely a man of knowledge who wants to be difficult resembles an ignorant man who wants to find fault.”In response to a person who posed him a difficult question, Imam ‘Ali b. Abi Talib ()ع said: “Ask in order to understand, and do not ask in order to find fault, for surely the ignorant man who wants to learn resembles a man of knowledge, and surely a man of knowledge who
wants to be difficult resembles an ignorant man who wants to find fault.”


Does God Have a Mind?

In this paper, the history of the concepts of soul, mind, and spirit are reviewed in order to deny that such terms correctly apply to God. The positions taken on the nature of mind and divinity are reviewed through the Greek philosophical tradition to Augustine and Islamic philosophy. In Islamic philosophy God is not understood as having a mind, but is nevertheless knowing, willing and living.

Saturday, March 24, 2018


Name: Muhammad. Agnomen: Abu ‘l-Qasim. Title: Rasulu ‘l-lah; Nabiu ‘l-lah; Khatamu ‘n-Nabiyyin. Father: Abdullah bin ‘Abdu ‘l-Muttalib. Mother: Aminah bint Wahab. Birth: 17th Rabiu ‘l-Awwal, 1st year of ‘Amu ‘l-Fil at Mecca; i.e., 53 years before the hijra. Death: 28th Safar, 11 after hijra. 1. Birth to Bi’that The last prophet of God is Muhammad al-Mustafa—upon whom be blessings and peace. He was born on 17th Rabi’u ‘l-Awwal, 1st Year of ‘Amul Fil in Mecca amidst the family of Banu Hashim (of the tribe of Quraysh) who were considered the most honoured of the Arab families. Banu Hashim were descendants of Isma’il, the son of Prophet Ibrahim. The Prophet’s grandfather, ‘Abdu l-Muttalib, was the chief of Banu Hashim and also the guardian of the Ka’bah. His father was called ‘Abdullah and his mother, Aminah bint Wahab. His father passed away a few months before his birth. At the age of six, the Prophet lost his mother as well and was placed under the care of his paternal grandfather, ‘Abdul Muttalib. But his grandfather also passed away after four years; and at this time the Prophet’s uncle, Abu Talib, took charge of him and became his guardian, taking him to his own house. Thus the Prophet grew up in his uncle’s house and even before reaching the age of adolescence used to accompany his uncle on business journeys by caravan. The Prophet had not received any schooling; yet, after reaching the age of maturity he became famous for his wisdom, courtesy, trust-worthiness and truthfulness. He soon became famous as “as-sadiq al- amin” (the truthful, the trustworthy). Abu Talib used to say: “We have never heard any lies from Muhammad, nor seen him misconduct himself or make mischief. He never laughs unduly nor talks untimely.” As a result of his sagacity and trustworthiness, Khadija bint Khuwaylid, a Qurayshi lady well-known for her wealth, appointed him as the custodian of her possessions and left in his hands the task of conducting her commercial affairs. The Prophet once journeyed to Damascus with Khadija’s merchandise and as a result of the ability he displayed was able to make an outstanding profit. Before long she asked to become his wife and the Prophet accepted her proposal. After the marriage, which occurred when he was twenty five years old, the Prophet began the life of a manager of his wife’s fortunes, until the age of forty, gaining meanwhile a widespread reputation for wisdom and trustworthiness. He refused to worship idols, as was the common religious practice of the Arabs of the Hijaz. And occasionally he would make spiritual retreats to the cave of Hira’ in the mountains of the Tihamah region near Mecca, in which he prayed and discoursed secretly with God.


Muhammad bin ‘Abdullah is the last and final messenger of God. The message he brought from God is known as "al-lslam," and the scripture he was given by God is known as "al-Qur'an." 1. Arabia at the Prophet's Birth The Arabs prior to Islam were idol-worshippers; they believed that apart from the life of this world there was no other life. It was a society in which respect depended on wealth and family. Woman was a commodity, counted as wealth of the father, husband and son; and after death she was inherited like the other possessions. It was a disgrace to have a daughter, and in some tribes the family buried this shameful thing with their own hands. The situation of the poor, women and society was not much different in other parts of the world. Every human society at that time was sunk in darkness, decline and oppression. Throughout the whole world, no glow or gleam of light met the eyes. A darkness like a thick heavy cloud in the sky had submerged the daily life of all societies in a deep sleep; and a horrible, powerful obscurity reigned which only the rising of a radiant sun could disperse. This darkness was more overpowering in Arabia than in any other place, as if they had been invaded to the depths of degradation and debasement. See what Imam 'Ali (a.s.) says about those days: You people of Arabia followed the worst religion; you dwelt amongst rough stones and poisonous serpents. You drank putrid water and ate filthy food. You shed the blood of one another and paid no heed to relationships. Idols are established among you, and sins cling to you.' (Nahju 'l-Balagha, sermon 26.) 2. The Birth of the Prophet of Islam Muhammad opened his eyes to the world on the 17th of Rabi'u 1-Awwal in the 53rd year before the hijrah (570 AD). His father, 'Abdullah, was from the family of Prophet Isma'il, and had died before he could see his son. His mother was one of the most pious women of that time. Muhammad was entrusted to a virtuous woman called Halimah, who suckled him and nursed him. One day, Muhammad (s.a.w.) who had not yet reached the age of four years, asked Halimah if he could go into the desert with the other boys. Halimah said, "I bathed Muhammad and anointed his hair with oil. I put collyrium on his eyes and hung a Yemenite stone on a string and put it round his neck so that no harm could come to him from the spirits of the desert. But Muhammad tore the stone from his neck and said, 'Don't worry about me. My God is taking care of me!’


Why Study Religion? Why should we investigate about religion and study about God? What provokes us to consider religion? There are three reasons: (A) LOVE OF KNOWLEDGE: We all want to know the truth about the world in which we live: Did the heaven with its beautiful stars, the earth with its glorious landscapes, the beautiful birds, the colourful fish, the blue oceans and the high mountains—did all these come into being by themselves or are they the product of an All-Knowing and Powerful Creator? Besides all this, the first question that comes to mind for all of us is the origin of ourselves: Where did we come from? Why are we in this world? Where are we heading to? The love of knowledge and the searching spirit within us dictates that we must not rest until we find the answers to these questions. Thus the first reason that compels us to inquire into religion is our thirst and love for knowledge. -IslamicBooks


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Woman’s Value and Role & Rights

This book discusses the status of women in Islam and sheds some light on a lot of important issues which the woman is exposed to in her daily life, such as her value and role, her rights, her learning, the veil, marriage, divorce, chastity, woman‟s work and so on.
Praise be to God, The lord of all the worlds. And God‟s prayers and peace be bestowed upon the messenger of mercy Muhammad ibn Abdullah and his household.
It is doubtless that great Islam has within its concepts and rules the path of the guidance for all the people in order to get them out of darkness into light. These rules are decreed, so that they will be adequate to the human being with all his/her characteristics, inclinations, and peculiarities and so that they will grant each person the guidance path which suits him/her.


Islam and Religious Pluralism

An indepth discussion on the Islamic perspective of Religious Pluralism. This book offers rational answers to questions such as: will the great inventors and scientists, despite their worthy services for humanity, go to Hell? Will the likes of Pasteur and Edison go to Hell whilst indolent people who have spent their lives in a corner of the Masjid go to Heaven?
My deliberations with a number of such academic members of our community revealed their unawareness that the original concept of religious pluralism was a subtle defence to the doctrine of salvation through Christ.
Thereby, providing in Christianity, toleration for other religions. Essentially, the roots of religious pluralism lie in the development of political liberalism in eighteenth century Europe, which was reeling from the horrible tales of religious persecution.


Muntakhab Al Asar Vol1

Today, in our times, the Muslims are being tested with modern, materialistic, secular philosophy. Islam, with its solid divine laws withstood all the deviations in all its modes in every era and time. Its great book (the Holy Quran) guides towards that which is most upright as it was at the time of its revelation. This is the first volume of this voluminous book concerning our Master Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) and is captioned as “Muntakhabul Asar” (A Selection of Traditions). We have selected them so that the masses may derive independent benefit from it, underlining the significance of Caliphate, the status of Wilayah and Imamah. Allah, the High, informs us: On that day We will call every people with their Imam.


Saturday, March 17, 2018

Islamic Teachings in Brief

This book, written in a relatively simple language, presents a summary of the teachings of Islam to provide some information for those who are not able to examine Islamic matters deeply in a specialized manner.
One of the most valuable styles for the promotion of culture, sciences and religion is through simple writings. This method has evolved for general dissemination of human knowledge to unveil uncertainties and remove difficulties from some specialized branches of science and tech- nology so as to make them easily understandable for the public.
No matter how technical a branch of science or subject is, it could be stated and written in such a way that everyone can utilize it and gain a relative knowledge in proportion to his educational status and in accord- ance with the depth and the extent of his thinking.

A Replay Belief Mahdism

These comments of mine I sent to the reverend scholar Dr. Ab- dul Aziz Sachadina for his perusal. My intention was to solicit his clarification whatever he might deem necessary in case of my being erroneous in understanding any of the themes on the contents of his book. I even rather went too jar to request him to translate himself this comments into English. He favored me with answer:
“Your comments about my book I have read. I see befitting it is what you have explained and commented in a way of your own view of the universe should be published either along with the book or into a separate edition. As for its translation into Eng- lish is concerned I consider it a labor of unbearable endeavor. Hence, I may be excused and my apology be accepted.


Thursday, March 15, 2018

shia in Islam

This book, which we have called Shi'ite Islam, seeks to clarify the true identity of Shi'ism which is one of the two major branches of Islam - the other being Sunnism. It deals in particular with the way Shi'ism originated and later developed, with the type of religious thought present in Shi'ism, and with Islamic sciences and culture as seen from the Shi'ite point of view.


Islam and the Modern Age

In view of the present state of marvellous rate of progress, can one really believe that Islam can cater to the needs of the modern world? Today, when man, by the means of his power of reason, is conquering the planets and is able to journey far out into the depths of space, is it not time for us to discard such ancient dogmas and concentrate our vision and will on the pur- suit of our magnificent victories, pursuing the modern sophist- icated way of life? Before answering these questions, I consider it essential to mention this point first: It is true that we human beings natur- ally prefer the new to the old. We always give priority to the new model of something over its older forms. But this general- isation cannot be applied to all situations and practices...


FATIMA The Gracious

In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
All praise is due Allah who created mankind and made for them an example to follow throughout their fierce battle with evil.
Prophet Muhammad (S) was the last apostle sent by Allah to commu- nicate to mankind His Divine code (i.e. Islam). Because this code was a comprehensive one, it also dealt with the needs of women throughout history, and assigned a perfect example for them to prove beyond doubt that what Islam preaches is practical and, if properly followed, leads to everlasting felicity. This example set by Islam to women was manifested in the person of Lady Fatima Zahra (A), daughter of Allah's Messenger.
Yet, the English Library lacks a comprehensive book in regard to her life; so I was asked to take upon myself the duty of translating the work of a profound Shiite speaker - Muhammad Kazim Qazwini- entitled Fatima Zahra Min Al-Mahde Ila al-Lahd, into English. As I was translat- ing, I found the book to be in the form of speeches regarding the success- ive events of Fatima's life; therefore I decided to depend mainly on the said book for recording Fatima's biography until the time of the Prophet's death. Because of the extremely sensitive period which fol- lowed his death, and the everlasting effects which the events thereafter left upon the Islamic ideology and the structure of various Muslim sects and issues, I deemed it necessary to study various historical books, espe- cially those which dealt with Lady Fatima Zahra's life, to come up with the most accurate information regarding the prime of the post-period of the Prophet's death. Moreover, various sermons, which were delivered during those events, were intentionally included in the book-especially Fatima's speeches-so as to allow researchers to study the said historical events independently.

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World S Most Outstanding Lady Fatima Zahra

The historical proceedings of the Prophet's (s) daughter Fatima Az Zahra, from childhood until marriage. Then an account of the sufferings and hardships after the martyrdom of the Holy Prophet (s), till the moment of her martyrdom.


Saturday, March 10, 2018

Syeda Fatima(sa) The Most Paramount Lady of Islam

I was requested to deliver a speech on the honored character of Fatima (peace be upon her). Granting this request would show my impotence to the utmost, because knowing Fatima (peace be upon her) and naturally, introducing her is a demanding task. What could I say about the one, whom no one really has known her save Allah; and indeed, no one has discovered her real character except Prophet Mohammed (a.s) and Imam Ali (peace be upon him). The limit of my mind and knowledge does not allow me to describe her as she really is. In addition, any debate on the character of Fatima (peace be upon her) needs courage, rhetoric, full knowledge, and above all, thorough conversance with the celestial world, because she is the “Lady of the heavenly wOmmen”. Only he who has got a real understanding of the heaven would characterize her. Right now, Fatima (peace be upon her) is not physically present among us, but her extensive aspects of her life, thoughts, and policies affect our minds and lives. Who is that does not know a brief of Fatima (peace be upon her)’s life and wishes not to follow her way? She has passed away, but the rich facets of her life get more extensive as time goes by. Moreover, I consider it a great honor to introduce Fatima (peace be upon her) from the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him and his descendants), Imam Ali (peace be upon him), and the Imams’ words, and talk about her various roles, her life and purity, her seeking for administering justice, lending the people a helping hand, and, at last, her martyrdom. Although our speech does not really characterize her, it has the great value to remind us for sOmme hours of Fatima (peace be upon her), Allah’s pure servant and the Prophet’s esteemed daughter.


Fatimiyyah is Ashura

What can be said when trying to express the status of the Ahlul Bayt, peace be upon them, specifically the eminence of Sayyidah Fāṭima Zahrā, peace be upon her, and the blessings which emanate from all of them – and from where shall we start!? These people are individuals whom God, the Most High, had created the entire world of existence for, just as the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his family, had stated: Had it not been for us (the Prophet and the Ahlul Bayt), God would not have created Adam nor Eve nor the paradise nor the hell-fire nor the sky nor the earth.2 In addition, the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, had written the following in his letter to Muʿāwiyah in regards to the status of the Ahlul Bayt, peace be upon them: The wordings of this passage are extremely important.3 There are some people who claim that the meaning of this statement is that “The people have been trained or have had their nurturing and upbringing under our school of teachings (the Ahlul Bayt)” however there is no problem in stating that the meaning of this statement is (also that), “The ultimate purpose of creation is the manifestation and existence of Muḥammad and the family of Muḥammad, peace be upon all of them.” There is also a sacred tradition (ḥadīth al-qudsī) in which God has said: I created you (Muḥammad – and as an extension the Ahlul Bayt) for Me (God).

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Monday, March 5, 2018

Islamic Laws Simplified

All praise is for Allah Alone, and His peace and blessings be upon the last of his Messengers and his holy Progeny. This book is a summaried and simplified adaption of the book, Al-Ahkam Al-Fiqhiyya, in accordance to the edicts of His Eminence, the Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Sa’eed al-Tabatabai al-Hakeem. This book has been written to help those who are not familiar with the usual comprehensive books of Islamic rulings, so that they may understand the common laws which are relevant in the usual course of their lives, in a manner that is succinct and clear. We pray that Allah Almighty accepts this as sincere effort, to benefit the believers, for He is the Master of this life and the Hereafter, and from Him we seek support and guidance


Islamic Culture and Religious Studies Book - 4

Youth is the most important period in the life of a human being. This is because it marks that stage when an individual passes out of the first stage of life i.e. childhood and begins the journey to the last stage i.e. adulthood.
Childhood is a dependant period. Every child requires guidance from elders and moral support to make and maintain correct decisions. In the early years of life, the hand of another leads a child but as adolescence and youth begin to emerge, the child learns to pull away and walk by himself.
During this period enormous physical, mental and emotional changes occur. It is a metamorphosis of character and intellect and could be likened to an explosion, rejuvenating all parts of an individual. Dormant inclinations awake in the youth and new horizons are sighted. To the person experiencing this change, it seems as if yesterday he was living in a child’s dream and today he sees the world through the window of reality.
It is at this time, that a human being seeks purpose of his existence and forms the principles that will guide him through the rest of his life. Thus, the period of youth is one that must be nurtured and nourished well both by the young individual himself and by the adults surrounding him.


What is Islam ?

Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds and peace and blessings be upon Muhammad and his pure progeny and may God curse their enemies until the Day of Judgement. In today‟s world we see that materialism has rushed in from all sides and spurious values prevail in every quarter and peace of mind and tranquillity now barely exist. Revolution and wars throughout the world have caused everyone to be apprehensive and people feel that they have been robbed of their security and sense of stability. Many are beginning now to seek a way-out from this state of anxiety and alarm which would bring them contentment and inner peace and are looking for a cure to this all- pervasive disease and a way to rid themselves of mental and spiritual pain and disquiet. For a long time I have been thinking that if people only lived according to Islam as it has been revealed by the God of the Universe, they would find therein a complete cure which would remove every anxiety and unease and quench this thirsting for inner serenity. Islam is indeed a way of life, a religion of light, equanimity and peace, for the Almighty says in the Holy Qur‟an: “ when He calls you to that which gives you life” [8 : 24] and speaks of those who follow “the light which has been sent down.