Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Marriage & Morals

This book is the result of a need which I sensed after my first three years in Canada. A person in my position as a religious guide is always confronted by people with questions related to their religious and personal problems. Unlike the atmosphere in the East where the contact is more on a personal level, the contact in this part of the world is more through correspondence and telephone calls. I soon realized that whenever the question was 'embarrassing' or related to sexual behavior, the caller would prefer not to give his or her name. And, of course, I had no reason to insist on knowing the identity of the callers; my only duty is to listen and convey the Islamic view to those who seek.



Saturday, February 24, 2018

The famous KHUTBA of Syeda Fatima Zahra

Fatima (A.S.) felt grieved by Abu Bakr’s actions, and was so displeased with him that when she knew of his attempt to seize Fadak, she accom- panied a group of women to themosque. There she sat down and de- livered the following speech:
Praise be to Allah for that which He bestowed (upon us); and thanks be to Him for allthat which He inspired; and commended in His Name for that which He Provided: Formprevalent favours which He created, And abundant benefactions which He offered and perfect grants which He presented; (such benefactions) that their number is much too plentiful to compute; Bounties too vast to measure; Their limit was too distant to realize; He recommended to them (His creatures) to gain more (of His benefaction) bybeing grateful for their continuity; He or- dained Himself praiseworthy by giving generously to His creatures; I bear witness that there is no God but Allah Who is One without partner, a statement which sincere devotion is made to be its interpreta- tion; hearts guarantee its continuation, and illuminated in the minds is its sensibility. He Who cannot be perceived with vision; neither be de- scribed with tongues; nor can imaginationsurround His state.


Friday, February 23, 2018

The Life of Fatima az Zahra (sa)

This is a study on the highest lady in the history of Islam at all. She is Fatima az-Zahra‟ (peace be on her), the daughter of the Prophet (a.s.), the part of him, and his trust to his nation. He was utmost loyal in his love to her. He fed her with his talents, geniuses, and mentality. 
The messenger of Allah (a.s.) put Fatima (a.s.) in the highest place, and most honorable position in Islam to be the highest example for the women of his nation, not in chastity and abstinence only, but to play her role in the inclusive reformation if his umma (nation) would go astray. And indeed, the principal of women (a.s.) undertook her positive role when the umma deviated from its spiritual and worldly leadership that the Prophet (a.s.) had assigned to be in the people of his house who were the centers of knowledge and intellect in the world of Islam. She, peace be on her, set stably, bravely, and loftily against the rulers and invited them to straightness and to the very principles of Islam. She asked them to return the caliphate to the master of the pure progeny Ameerul Mo'minin, Imam Ali (a.s.) whom the messenger of Allah (a.s.) had appointed as his successor, the caliph, and the leader over the umma.


A Brief Biography of Imam Hasan

This has been a wish of Allama Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi, for a number of years now, to include biographies of 14 Maasumeen in our International Correspondence Course but his multifarious activities around the world prevented him from undertaking the work. Mission is grateful to Dr. Mohammed Raza M. Dungersi, of New York who volunteered to undertake this arduous work. No historian or writer, however dexterous he may be, can draw a true picture of the life of Maasumeen (a.s.). However we con- gratulate Dr. Dungersi for this gallant endeavour and pray to Almighty Allah to reward him in this world and in the hereafter. Lives of great men remind us how to make our lives sublime. History of great men is a fountain of knowledge, faith and as- piration which will never dry up. Lives of these great men are like light houses, which keep darkness away and show right path to the wayfarers in search of knowledge, better living and service to mankind. Had these great souls not left their footprints on the sands of time, the world would have been groping in darkness and would have fallen pray to despair while combating with unseen and intelligible forces


Beacons of Light: Muhammad the Prophet and Fatima the Radiant

It has been our intention for a long time to translate into Eng- lish a book that would narrate the lives of the fourteen ma`sumin (sinless ones) ‑ the Prophet, peace be upon him and the people of his household, his righteous and pure daughter Fatimah az‑Zahra', peace be upon her, and the Twelve Imams, peace be upon all of them. Such a book would, it was hoped, discuss the circumstances of the Prophet, his daughter Fatimah and the Imams of his descendants. It would present proofs of their special favor with Allah, and the exalted status with which He favored them. The book would also present proofs of the obligations with which Allah has charged all men to obey and follow them. When Kitabul‑Irshad ila Hujaj Allah 'alal-'Ibad (The Book of Guidance to the Proofs of Allah over Mankind) of ash‑Shaykh al‑Mufid was recently translated into English by I. K. Howard, we felt that it had largely fulfilled our hopes for the author, Abu `Abdillah Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn an‑Nu'man al‑`Ukbari al‑Baghdadi, known as ash‑Shaykh al‑Mufid (336‑413/948‑1022), was one of the foremost scholars of the Imami Shi`i community, and one of its greatest jurists and theologians. We therefore decided to republish the book ourselves with a special introduction, which is now in the pro- cess of being translated. As soon as this introduction is ready, we shall, with Allah's help, proceed with our task


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Lady Khdija (AS)

Khadija, the first wife of Muhammed Mustafa, the Messenger of Allah, (may Allah bless him and his Ahlel-Bayt), and the first Believer, evokes a most extraordinary personality. She played a stellar role in the history of nascent Islam. She was, with Abu Talib, one of the two greatest benefactors of Islam and the Muslims. At a time when Islam was under unremitting predation pressure; and was, for three years, in a state of unrelenting siege, she bailed it out, by her incredible sacrifices. Her constancy, her tenacity, her vision, and her indomitable faith in Allah, and in the mission of Muhammed Mustafa - His Last and the Greatest Messenger - were the sine qua non as the underpinnings of Islam during the first ten years of its existence. For some mysterious reason, Khadija's role - so central in shaping the destiny of Islam - has not received the recognition to which it is entitled, from most of the Muslim biographers and historians. Such recognition as they have given it, is, at best, perfunctory and tentative. To the best of my knowledge and belief, a standard biography of Khadija has not been published yet. This is a most lamentable lack in the inspirational literature of Islam, especially at a time when, in the West, there is growing interest in Islam as a creed, and in the story of the respective roles of its various protagonists in its early days.



Saturday, February 17, 2018

Islamic Culture and Religious Studies Book-2

A Human being is constantly in search of knowing the Truth. He explores different ways in which to confirm his beliefs and when he succeeds in going back to his FITRA (Nature), he eventually reaches the point where he realises the need of a Master and Creator - Allah (S.W.T.). In the Islamic beliefs (Aqaidi-Islami), ‘To Know God’ is one of the fundamental issues for Muslims. It is only after proving His existence that a Muslim can believe in His divine system of Law and Order. All other moral, spiritual and religious values are included in the essence of Tawheed (Oneness) of Allah (S.W.T.).
In order to understand Tawheed and be able to submit to Him, it becomes necessary for us all to undertake the spiritual journey towards Imaan (Faith) and Taqwa (Piety). A person might believe that this is a difficult path to walk on but it not impossible. All it requires is a strong urge to know the great Maker of the Universe!
We must remember that by learning the true Islam, we will be able to practise its valuable teachings. It is necessary for us to understand that if we want to reach perfection in both Imaan and Amal-e-Saaleh (Good Actions), we have to study the lives of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) and Infallible Aimmah (a.s.)



The Life of Fatima az Zahra (sa)

Fatima(a.s.)is the highest woman inknowledge,purity,patience,andpietythathistoryhasever known.She was brought up in thehouseofRevelationandgrewinthelapofthegreatestProphet (a.s.),andthusshewasthevesselofImamateandthecontinuityofProphethood.
ShegotmarriedtoAmeerulMo'mininAlibinAbiTalib(a.s.)andlivedwithhimalifeofsimplicity andasceticism,andsoshewasanidealexampleforMuslimwomenor,indeed,forallMuslims.
However,fatewilledforherthatshewouldnotliveafterherfather’sdeathbutforashorttime becauseoftheoppressionandharmsshemetfromthepeople;thoughtheProphet(a.s.)hadsaid abouther,‘Fatimaisapartfromme;whoeverharmsherharmsme.’But,peopledeniedthetruth, deviatedfromthepathoftheMission,andturnedhim(ImamAli)awayfromthepositionofImamate.
Thebookbeforeyou,dearreader,isastudyonthelifeofInfallibleFatima(a.s.),thedaughterof ProphetMuhammad(a.s.).Ourroleinthisbookwasthereviewingandverifyingofitstextsand sources.PraisebetoAllahandAllah’sblessingbeonMuhammadandhispureprogeny

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Bibi Fatema (sa)

Bibi Fatima was created by Allah tobe a perfect example of a human being for us to follow. She was noble, kind, generous and always truthful. She was also known by other names like Butool, Insiya,Azraa, Masumah, Sayyedah,Siddiqah, Tahirah, Tayyibah,Radhiyah, Mardheyyeh, Zakeyyah,Umma Abeehaa and Zahraa. Fatima AS was the only daughter of the holy Prophet Muhammad SAW and Hazrat Khadija AS. He used to say “Fatima is part of me.” She was the wife of our first Imam Ali AS.She had four children: two sons,Imam Hasan AS and Imam Hussain AS and two daughters Hazrat Zainab AS and Hazrat Kulsoom AS. Bibi Fatima was an excellent daughter, a wonderful wife, and a loving mother. She is the leader of all the women in the uni- verse, Syedatun nisa al aalameen and the Lady of Paradise, Khatoon e Jannat. She was extremely intelligent, learned,gentle, generous, pious, beautiful,pure and free from every fault. The Prophet Muhammad SAW called her Umme Abeehaa, the mother of her father. Through her words and actions she has shown us how to live as a true Muslim, following the laws of Islam.


Adabus Salat - The Disciplines of The Prayer

In the Name of Allah
The book which is before you covers a part of Imam Khomeini's looks into the valley of theoretical gnosticism. It is dedicated by that godly man to his efficient and gnostic son, the late Hujjatul Islam wal Muslimin Haj Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini, who, with a clear heart and a pure soul, spent his life walking along practical gnosticism, and who tried hard to carry out all the moral instructions of the Imam. It is dedicated to his daughter-in-law, too. Now that the pen has inscribed the names of such great men, I feel ashamed of having my feeble fingers scribble an intro- duction to such a great book by such a great man. I request the people of knowledge, research and readings to pardon me, and to extend their helping hands to me, who am lost on the road, trembling upon myself like the leaves of a willow! At the end, I regard it necessary to offer my thanks to the respected Head of the International Affairs Department of the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works, his colleagues and the honourable translators who have trans- lated this and other books of the Imam. I request all the translators in the country and those familiar with translating the gnostic works to assist this Institute in bettering such translations, since such an important ques- tion cannot be handled without their cooperation and heart-felt sympathy.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018


When I was busy for the second time writing Introduction to the w Holy Quran translated by my friend , Mr . Mir Ahmed Ali , Late Mr . Mohammed Ali Khuraasaani , Internal Auditor P . I. A . , suggested me to dictate to him a brief outlinnoand then , whenever he had opportunity , he took dictation from e of fundamentals of Islam according to Shia faith . Every me. Hardly we had finished the work , God deprived me of this sincere and zealous friend whose ambition was to introduce the teachings of Shia school of thought in English language . The religious zeal of Mr . Khuraasaani was not confined to him alone , his wife equally shared his love and devotion for the propagation of Truth . The mutual zeal of husband and wife in achievement of this holy aim was a valuable asset for our mission .Unfortunately , for some time the shock of her husband's death brought the work to a standstill . However , the work as a whole is the result of initiation of the interest of husband and wife and I have no option but to dedicate the work to them and pray God to bless them both for the services rendered by them in this Cause . Here I have to mention another friend of mine , Mr . Syed Mohammed Murtaza who was assisting me ever since my undertaking to produce a new introduction to the Quran . Besides noting my dictation ,he has translated into Urdu this treatise which is the first part of my religious work . I thank him for his sincere devotion which was an encouragement for me to carry out the work , in spite of my indisposition . I request my readers to go through the work with critical insight and inform me of any shortcoming whatsoever .


Risalah Al Wilayah


Praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds and praise and peace be upon His close vicegerents, in particular our Master Muhammad and His Pure Progeny. This is a treatise on vicegerency which is the ultimate real perfection for mankind. It is the ultimate goal in the legislating of the true divine shariah, as is understood from prolific arguments, and explicit religious statements also give evidence to this. This discussion has been organized into five chapters and Allah Almighty is the Helper

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Islamic Culture and Religious Studies Book-1

A Human being is constantly in search of knowing the Truth. He explores different ways in which to confirm his beliefs and when he succeeds in going back to his FITRA (Nature), he eventually reaches the point where he realises the need of a Master and Creator - Allah (S.W.T.). In the Islamic beliefs ( Aqaidi-Islami ), ‘ To Know God’ is one of the fundamental issues for Muslims. It is only after proving His existence that a Muslim can believe in His divine system of Law and Order. All other moral, spiritual and religious values are included in the essence of Tawheed (Oneness) of Allah (S.W.T.).
In order to understand Tawheed and be able to submit to Him, it becomes necessary for us all to undertake the spiritual journey towards Imaan (Faith) and Taqwa (Piety). A person might believe that this is a difficult path to walk on but it not impossible. All it requires is a strong urge to know the great Maker of the Universe!
We must remember that by learning the true Islam, we will be able to practise its valuable teachings. It is necessary for us to understand that if we want to reach perfection in both Imaan and Amal-e-Saaleh (Good Actions), we have to study the lives of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) and Infallible Aimmah (a.s.).
In this book, each and every chapter is directed towards appreciating the deeper meaning of Tawheed (Absolute Oneness of Allah (S.W.T.)). The ideas and rules we will study are all ways in which to discover the truth and when we learn Akhlaaq (Moral Excellence) it is because our good conduct will allow us to reach out to other people around the world and call them back to the Truth.


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Al Khisal

Praise be to Allah, with all His Glorious Extolments and Peculiarities related to all the Favors of Him. prayer and peace be upon our master prophet Mohammed' and his kind purified house hold furthermore.
The need to simplify the heritage, make it feasible and very near to the people's apprehension, is dedicated by the fact that all the juristic Texts and provisions have not been monopolized specifically to the learned people only other than the public or the individuals of the nation at large.
So, If all the texts concerning the juristic judgments can not be usually digested but by the specialists of the diligent jurisprudents, then the moral, ethical, and educational Traditions as well as narrations are to be addressed verily to the Muslim whatever his ideological or intellectual levels are.
Therefore in creasing the sense, towards the necessary need to facilit- ate the books of tradition, which include inside their pages the treasures of knowledge, the jewels of the narrated prophetic and the house hold's wisdoms, to him and - to his household may Allah's prayer be granted - has been increased enormously in an attempt to avoid keeping them away from the majorities of the nation, and to make them available to those who are enthralled or bewitched by the prophetic wisdom, and the seekers of knowledge who are striving diligently towards purifying and straightening their souls by means of the useful science and good deeds.


Monday, February 5, 2018

Man and Universe

Man and faith, man and animals, knowledge and thought, monothesitic conception of the world, revelation and prophethood, man and the Holy Qur'an, society and history, Imamate and khilafat, and eternal life.
Man himself being a kind of animal, has many things in common with other animals. At the same time he has many dissimilarities which distinguish him from other animals and make him superior to them.
The main and basic features distinguishing man from other living beings, on which his humanity depends and which constitute the source of what is known as human culture, pertain to two spheres: attitudes and inclinations.
Generally speaking the animals are endowed with a quality of perceiving and knowing themselves and the outer world, and in the light of this knowledge they strive to secure what they want and desire.
Like other animals man also has many wants and desires and in the light of what he knows and understands, he makes efforts to secure and realize them. Man differs from other living beings in that he knows more, understands better and his wants and desires are of a higher level.
This characteristic of man distinguishes him from all other animals and makes him superior to them.


The Rights of Women in Islam

Outlines general rights of women with special emphasis to marriage. Some of the areas covered are marriage proposal, engagement, temporary marriage, modernity, dowry, inheritance, divorce and polygyny.
The Ahlul Bayt DILP team wishes to inform the reader of some important points regarding this digitized text, which represents the English translation of a work originally written in Farsi. Whereas no one can doubt the best intentions of the translator and the publishers in making this title accessible to an English speaking audience, the editing and digitization process of this book (carried out by the DILP Team) has revealed issues in the quality of translation. Based upon this fact, the DILP team has taken the liberty to make grammatical corrections to make the text more readable and less ambiguous; spelling mistakes and typographical errors have also been corrected and an attempt has been made to improve the highly non-standard use of transliteration of Arabic names and terms. The online text is not an exact reproduction of the original translation. Users wishing to see the translation as it was published should refer to printed copies available in bookshops. Those who understand are advised to refer directly to the original text.


Islam and Democracy

Democracy is determined by many different elements: culture, wealth, equalities, education, and some will say, religion. Religion as a determinant of democratic development has been extensively studied and many arguments have been presented supporting the claim that religion hinders democracy, while others are less convinced. Since Samuel P. Huntington published his book, Clash of Civilization, there has been an increased focus on the relationship between Islam and democracy. Huntington argued that the world order in the 20th century has shifted into a clash between the West and the East, specifically between the West and Islam.


Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Status of Music in Islam

Since time immemorial, the issue of music has been debated by various sectors of the Muslim world. Both sides in the debate have brought their proofs and arguments with the hope of making the other side see "the light" and thus bring an end to this time consuming dilemma.
It is not the purpose of this short article to bring all the evidence in regards to the ruling of Allah جل جلاله and His Prophetصلى الله عليه و آله وسلم in regards to music; rather, we will suffice with the minimum, with the hopes that Insha-Allah, it will help and guide the Muslims - especially the youth - to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong.
Before discussing the ruling of music, a few of the Islamic (Arabic) terms must be defined that are constantly referred to in this article, in the different ahādīth and in the various books of Ahkam


Saturday, February 3, 2018


Only a few names of men, who were distinguished for their gifts and genius which lifted them to the highest peaks of re- cognition, are etched upon the horizons of our Islamic world. Such names, like bright stars, have kept glittering in the depth of the skies
As for those whose names are portrayed in every horizon of the Islamic world, these, indeed, are even fewer. They are a minority. They are none other than those whom nature has el- evated, achieving such rare genius that made them unique throughout all Islamic lands. Among such people is our master- author, may Allah rest his soul in peace
The Supreme Will has decreed to bless his knowledge and pen, producing from them the best intellectual output. I may not exaggerate if I allow my pen to record this: the master-au- thor is advanced through what he produced to the very front row of Shi’a scholars. The latter dedicated their entire lives to the service of their religion and school of thought. He, there- fore, deservedly occupies the front seat among the Muslim world's contemporary elite.
Within such a limited undertaking, I do not find myself in- clined to elaborate on what Sayyid ‘AbdulHusayn Sharafuddin had accomplished in life's spheres and undertakings. The task may have been easier had the author being discussed been someone else. It would have been easier had the author been among those men whose lives and works were limited.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Commentary on Sermon 80 of Nahjul Balaghah

An eye opener and intriguing read, this booklet explains and puts into perspective the famous and widely misunderstood sermon given by Amir al-mumineen Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) with regard to the “deficiencies” in woman.
As it has been mentioned in the discussion concerning the transmission of this sermon (as seen below), Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) delivered this sermon after The Battle of the Camel (Al-Jamal) which took place in Baŝrah (Iraq) in the year 656 ce/35 ah and the subsequent defeat of the army of ‘A’ysha b. Abi Bakr.
In this sermon, he reproaches women, and of course the meaning of him ‘reproaching women’ are only those types of women who had launched (such calculated) attacks - those who were responsible for instigating The Battle of the Camel. Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) referred to such women as having a “deficiency” and it was because of this shortcoming that they engaged in such detrimental activities. Therefore, he reprimanded them and warned the believers to steer clear of their inductions.


A Brief BiogrAphy of BIBI FATIMA (S.A.)

This short biography of Hazrat Fatima (s.a.) was written essentially as a part of a course work for those enrolled in the correspondence with Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania.
The major concern has been to provide brief and introductory notes on the main aspects of the illustrious life history of our “Lady of Light”, Hazrat Fatima (s.a.) for readers who have had no previous understanding of the role of this great personality in Islamic history.
In no way therefore should this work be taken as a comprehensive and complete study on Hazrat Fatima (s.a.). As a matter of fact, circumstances under which this work was prepared may necessitate extensive additions and/or deletions in future, God willing.
In the preparation of this booklet I found the following works very useful: Fatima, The Gracious By: Odeh A. Muhawesh Fatima Al-Zahra By: Al-Balagh Foundation Fatima Zahra


A Code of Ethics for Muslim Men and Women

The Laws and Regulations of Islam are divided into two major and distinct categories – the first being those laws that deal with a human being’s relationship to his Creator and Master. The second category is those laws that regulate and govern our relationship with each other. Seeing as how in the branch of Islamic Law, known is Fiqh, 90% of the rules govern our interaction with each other, it is a requirement that we become familiar with how we should carry ourselves when around members of the same sex and more importantly, those of the opposite


Thursday, February 1, 2018


Recently the non-Muslim world has forcibly learned that Islam is divided into two sects, Shia and Sunni, but there is so little material in languages other than Arabic and Persian on the Shia side of the issue that real understanding is all but impossible. This is the consequence of the historical accident that Western contact with Islam was almost entirely with Sunni communities, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ottoman Turkey, most of Muslim India, etc. The present work corrects this imbalance in a most extraordinary way, for the case for Shi'ite Islam is argued and supported virtually entirely from orthodox Sunni sources. The political, juridical, and spiritual legitimacy of the Shi'ite position has been argued and documented in the English language, and from sources that the West has largely overlooked.