Friday, February 23, 2018

Beacons of Light: Muhammad the Prophet and Fatima the Radiant

It has been our intention for a long time to translate into Eng- lish a book that would narrate the lives of the fourteen ma`sumin (sinless ones) ‑ the Prophet, peace be upon him and the people of his household, his righteous and pure daughter Fatimah az‑Zahra', peace be upon her, and the Twelve Imams, peace be upon all of them. Such a book would, it was hoped, discuss the circumstances of the Prophet, his daughter Fatimah and the Imams of his descendants. It would present proofs of their special favor with Allah, and the exalted status with which He favored them. The book would also present proofs of the obligations with which Allah has charged all men to obey and follow them. When Kitabul‑Irshad ila Hujaj Allah 'alal-'Ibad (The Book of Guidance to the Proofs of Allah over Mankind) of ash‑Shaykh al‑Mufid was recently translated into English by I. K. Howard, we felt that it had largely fulfilled our hopes for the author, Abu `Abdillah Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn an‑Nu'man al‑`Ukbari al‑Baghdadi, known as ash‑Shaykh al‑Mufid (336‑413/948‑1022), was one of the foremost scholars of the Imami Shi`i community, and one of its greatest jurists and theologians. We therefore decided to republish the book ourselves with a special introduction, which is now in the pro- cess of being translated. As soon as this introduction is ready, we shall, with Allah's help, proceed with our task


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