Friday, February 2, 2018

A Brief BiogrAphy of BIBI FATIMA (S.A.)

This short biography of Hazrat Fatima (s.a.) was written essentially as a part of a course work for those enrolled in the correspondence with Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania.
The major concern has been to provide brief and introductory notes on the main aspects of the illustrious life history of our “Lady of Light”, Hazrat Fatima (s.a.) for readers who have had no previous understanding of the role of this great personality in Islamic history.
In no way therefore should this work be taken as a comprehensive and complete study on Hazrat Fatima (s.a.). As a matter of fact, circumstances under which this work was prepared may necessitate extensive additions and/or deletions in future, God willing.
In the preparation of this booklet I found the following works very useful: Fatima, The Gracious By: Odeh A. Muhawesh Fatima Al-Zahra By: Al-Balagh Foundation Fatima Zahra


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