Saturday, February 3, 2018


Only a few names of men, who were distinguished for their gifts and genius which lifted them to the highest peaks of re- cognition, are etched upon the horizons of our Islamic world. Such names, like bright stars, have kept glittering in the depth of the skies
As for those whose names are portrayed in every horizon of the Islamic world, these, indeed, are even fewer. They are a minority. They are none other than those whom nature has el- evated, achieving such rare genius that made them unique throughout all Islamic lands. Among such people is our master- author, may Allah rest his soul in peace
The Supreme Will has decreed to bless his knowledge and pen, producing from them the best intellectual output. I may not exaggerate if I allow my pen to record this: the master-au- thor is advanced through what he produced to the very front row of Shi’a scholars. The latter dedicated their entire lives to the service of their religion and school of thought. He, there- fore, deservedly occupies the front seat among the Muslim world's contemporary elite.
Within such a limited undertaking, I do not find myself in- clined to elaborate on what Sayyid ‘AbdulHusayn Sharafuddin had accomplished in life's spheres and undertakings. The task may have been easier had the author being discussed been someone else. It would have been easier had the author been among those men whose lives and works were limited.


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