Thursday, February 15, 2018

Adabus Salat - The Disciplines of The Prayer

In the Name of Allah
The book which is before you covers a part of Imam Khomeini's looks into the valley of theoretical gnosticism. It is dedicated by that godly man to his efficient and gnostic son, the late Hujjatul Islam wal Muslimin Haj Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini, who, with a clear heart and a pure soul, spent his life walking along practical gnosticism, and who tried hard to carry out all the moral instructions of the Imam. It is dedicated to his daughter-in-law, too. Now that the pen has inscribed the names of such great men, I feel ashamed of having my feeble fingers scribble an intro- duction to such a great book by such a great man. I request the people of knowledge, research and readings to pardon me, and to extend their helping hands to me, who am lost on the road, trembling upon myself like the leaves of a willow! At the end, I regard it necessary to offer my thanks to the respected Head of the International Affairs Department of the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works, his colleagues and the honourable translators who have trans- lated this and other books of the Imam. I request all the translators in the country and those familiar with translating the gnostic works to assist this Institute in bettering such translations, since such an important ques- tion cannot be handled without their cooperation and heart-felt sympathy.


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